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Goals and Objectives

Academic Excellence
To maintain and enhance academic standards across all programs offered by Siwan College of Engineering and Management.
  • Ensure that the curriculum is regularly updated to reflect advancements in technology, industry trends, and academic research.
  • Implement effective teaching methodologies and assessment practices to facilitate student learning and academic achievement.
  • Provide opportunities for faculty development and training to enhance teaching effectiveness and academic expertise.
  • Monitor student performance and academic progress through regular assessment and feedback mechanisms.
Student Success and Well-being
To support the holistic development and well-being of our students, both academically and personally.
  • Provide comprehensive academic advising, counseling, and support services to assist students in achieving their academic and career goals.
  • Promote student engagement, leadership development, and extracurricular involvement through clubs, organizations, and student-led initiatives.
  • Provide opportunities for faculty development and training to enhance teaching effectiveness and academic expertise.
  • Implement initiatives to enhance student health, safety, and well-being, including mental health awareness programs, wellness workshops, and recreational activities.
Community Outreach and Social Responsibility
To actively engage with the local community and contribute to social and economic development.
  • Collaborate with local schools, community organizations, and government agencies to promote education, environmental sustainability, and community development.
  • Encourage students and faculty members to participate in volunteer projects, service-learning activities, and outreach initiatives that address societal challenges and needs.
  • Offer continuing education programs, workshops, and skill-building initiatives for community members, professionals, and lifelong learners.
  • Support initiatives that promote social responsibility, ethical leadership, and sustainable development in alignment with the college's values and mission.
By setting clear goals and objectives, Siwan College of Engineering and Management can strive towards continuous improvement, innovation, and excellence in all aspects of its operations and fulfill its commitment to students, faculty, stakeholders, and society at large.