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Siwan College of Engineering and Management

Department Of Physics

The department of Physics is engaged constantly in teaching and other allied activities with regularity, punctuality and in a disciplined manner. The faculties of the department always motivates students and ignite enthusiasm, interest and passion in the study to better understand the basic concept of physics to better understand the professional course e.g. B.Tech. etc. We nurture the student’s talent in the area of core and applied physics, promote the students to occupy highest position and for higher studies . “Physics or Physical Sciences discovers, validates and studies the laws of nature observing the events happening in nature in the past, present and forcasts the event to take place in future.

Engineering is the application of those physical laws of nature for the benefits of mankind”. Engineers apply all those physical laws of nature with human creativity to design and shape a useful device, instruments from home appliances to space crafts which gives excitement and makes easy life to the society and fascinate us all, it is Engineering that Changes the World.”

The Department has well qualified and dedicated faculty. The objective of the Department is to provide solid understanding of physical concepts, problem solving skills, and required experimental knowledge that can ignite enthusiasm and interest in the study of Physics and lays strong foundation of fundamental knowledge which makes easy understanding of professional engineering courses from 1st semester to 8th semester of different branches.

The Department of Physics has two faculty members, one associate professor, one assistant professor and one lab assistant. The faculty members of the department teaches.

  • B.Tech 1st semester Physics for branches: ME, CE
  • B.Tech 1st semester Physics for branches: ME, CE
  • B.Tech 2nd semester SPD for branch: ECE

Reasearch Area of the Department.

The department is committed in high-quality research and excellence in teaching. The faculty members of the department are actively involved in research and development in challenging areas of semiconductor devices, integrated semiconductor devices for telecommunication systems and semiconductor devices modelling..

Paper presentation, Poster competition and seminar is regularly held in the department of Physics to cultivate R&D skill at lowest/beginners level.

Facilities in the Department of Physics.

Following experimental facilities are available in Physics Laboratory

  • Study and determination of acceleration due to gravity by a bar pendulum.
  • Study and determination of input and Output characteristics of a PNP junction transistor in CE mode setup.
  • Study and determination of Panck’s constant setup.
  • Study and determination of capacitance and permittivity
  • Study and determination of numerical aperture of an optical fibre
  • Study and determination of wavelength of Laser source using grating
  • Study and determination of the particle size by Laser
  • Study and determination of forbidden energy gap of semiconductor diode
  • Study and determination of energy from transformer and ferrites
  • Study and determination of dielectric constant
  • Study and determination of Curie temperature
  • Study and determination of focal length by convex mirror using u-v method
Dr. Jawed Akhter (HOD)
Department of Physics
Dr. Jawed Akhter
Assistant Professor (HOD)
M.Sc. , M.Phil & Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
16 Years
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