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Siwan College of Engineering and Management

Managements Department

Welcome to the dept. of mangement Studies. Education Plays an important role in improving the personality of people. It is a key success in personal and Professional Life. It makes perdas a good human being-.

Our goal is to ensure our management graduates to be a problem solvers, Project landerd, enterpreneurs and ethical citizend of society. We are committed to provide not only the academic excellence to our stridents but also the leader Ship qualities through which they can create employment to others. A mix of lectures and case methodology Supplemented with presentation, group discussions and mini projects make The learning process interactive and experiential.

Our well qualified and competent team Tuned with application of innovative Teaching Strategies such as digital classroom, regular teclives and assignments. The department also offers personality development program. Presentedion Skills, guidance programs, seminard on Communication skills.

I welcome all the young aspiranth to explore management education and lifelong Learning.

Parwez Alam (HOD)
Department of Management (MBA)
Parwez Alam
HOD Department of Management
Email ID::
Meraj Ahmad
Assistant Professor
Email ID::
MD. Samiullah
Assistant Professor
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