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Siwan College of Engineering and Management

Chemistry Department

Chemistry is the Science that deals with the Composition of materials, their structures and properties, the transformations they undergo, and the energy changes that accompany these transformation.Engineering requires applied science. and chemistry is the center of all science. The more Chemistry an engineer understands, beneficial it is. In the future. global problems and issues will require and en depth understen understanding of chemistry to have a, global solution.
Our laboratories are very spacious and well equipped. It motivates the studens to learn their experiments with great interest and inculcate habit to learn about some experiment beyond their Syllabus. The goal of engineering chemistry department is to provide broad as well as fundamental Knowledge of theoretical applied and experimental chemistry to the budding engineers to enable them to embark on professional careers of their choice.

I wish all m every remy Sphere of students to do very best ein. life and serve the humanily & Knowledge. with their skill & Knowledge.

Quamar Perwez
HOD Chemistry
Quamar Perwez
Assistant Professor (HOD)
M.Sc. (Chemistry)
20 year
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